Signing in to FutureLearn using Single Sign On (SSO)

Single sign-on can be used to give UoL members a quick and easy way to sign in to their FutureLearn account. This will also allow Learners to gain access to University of Leeds short courses and certain Campus-eligible courses from other organisations at no extra charge. Learners who have linked their accounts with their University will have:

The guidance below shows you the steps to either linking your existing FutureLearn account to your University of Leeds credentials (single sign-on) or how to create a new FutureLearn account and then link that to your University of Leeds credentials.

Signing into FutureLearn using your University credentials

A1. Go to and click on the Sign In button.

A2. You will be taken to the sign-in page, click Sign in with your organisation.

Screenshot of Futurelearn sign in page

A3. You should then be taken to the Sign in with your organisation page, type in the organisation's domain name field and click Sign in with your organisation.

Screenshot of Futurelearn Organisation sign in page

A4. Depending on whether you have already signed in to University systems, you may be prompted to sign in. Sign in using your and password.

Once you have signed in, you will be directed back to the FutureLearn website.

A5. You will be asked to sign in or to register for a FutureLearn account:

Screenshot displaying the options for Joining UoL on Futurelearn

A6. You will then be taken to the Sign in with your FutureLearn account page, enter your:

Screenshot of Futurelearn sign in to UoL with account page

Your UoL account should now be linked with your FutureLearn profile.

B. If you do not already have a FutureLearn account

B1.  Select Register on the Join University of Leeds on FutureLearn page.

Screenshot of the join University of Leeds on FutureLearn account options screen.

B2. This will take you to the Register for a FutureLearn account form, complete the fields on the form:

Screenshot of the FutureLearn account creation page.

You should then be taken to the FutureLearn course area; your UoL account should now be linked with your FutureLearn profile.

Screenshot of FutureLearn course page

Further Help & Support

Whilst IT cannot provide advice on the use of FutureLearn if you are having trouble logging in; you can request assistance via the IT Service Desk (this website) by using the available options (when logged in).